Commercial Bridge Loans

Keep Your Business Moving Forward with a Commercial Bridge Loan Coastal Capital Group offers short-term commercial bridge loan financing to “Bridge” the time between approval and closing of a senior loan. Bridge loans are most commonly related to pending Real Estate purchases but can be for a variety of other investments. Although you may have a commitment for finance through a bank or other lender, it may take up to 6 months to actually advance the funds. We provide the capital to meet your short-term financial needs and our bridge loan is paid back when the senior loan closes.

Coastal Capital Group Quick Fix Business Loan

Besides the traditional Bridge Loan, which is typically secured with Real Estate, Coastal Capital offers a short-term business loan based on your company’s cash flow.

    • Secure a bridge loan for your business from Coastal Capital We enable a business to take advantage of an opportunity they might miss while securing long term finance.
    • Offer a short term patch for temporary operating capital shortfalls
    • Provide funds to capitalize on a seasonal or market based opportunity.
    • Loan Amounts from $10,000 and up
    • Terms are typically 6-12 months
    • Fast Funding


We also offer alternative short-term collateralize loans which can close in 5 days or less.

Call For Details!
(877) 703-3090

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